When you create budgets, it's important to understand the basic logic and where the data comes from. This way you ensure that data is in place and you can rely on the values shown in your budgets.
Data does not change automatically if you add, edit or remove a repair, lease, unit or loan of the property. If you want to update your budget, it is done in Add a value pop-up.
Pop-up for creating a budget
1. Template
- The name of an operating budget must be "budget", otherwise it won't work as expected.
- Other budgets can be named according to your needs, e.g. Worst case scenario, Best case scenario or Comparison 2023-24.
- Once you have created the template(s), they can be used in all properties.
- Budget set up for each property must be done separately, e.g. time range and base information.
- Once you reach the maximum number of budgets (5), you can no longer create new ones, you can only select them from the dropdown menu.
2. Time range
- The first and last budget year specify the time period in which the budget values are added.
- They are also used to show budgets for different time periods.
- Example: You create a worst case scenario for 2024-2026. After that, you need a new one for 2027-2030 so you create a new scenario in 2027 and 2030. In the Financial info tab, you can see both scenarios by changing the year.
3. Base information
- You must copy the base information from your actuals or previous budgets.
- "Base information according to" defines if you are using the actual or budget for a particular year, or if you want to copy the last 12 months.
- You can add an inflation rate to your budget income, costs and/or loans. You can only set one inflation rate.
4. Income
Here are the settings for creating an income budget based on past income values.
- By selecting "Multiply income with inflation rate" the entire income is multiplied with the percentage you have set.
- In "Set rent increase percentage per income group", you can set the increase percentage for each subtype of your income accounts.
- By selecting "Use lease agreement information for income based", you can use rent roll based on current leases (as is) or lease notice terms (worst case when all leases expire based on the end date or notice period).
5. Costs
Here you can set the budget for your property costs.
- By selecting "Multiply costs with inflation rate" all costs are multiplied by the percentage you have set.
- In "Set operating expenses increase percentage per OPEX group", you can add individual increase percentage for each subtype of your cost accounts.
6. Loans
- Interest rate, margin percentages and servicing costs of the loan(s) allocated to the property can be added to the budget.
- Monthly servicing costs, initial administration fee and total interest can be linked to their respective accounts.
- Costs related to the loan are included in the budget if the maturity of the loan falls within the selected period.
- CAPEX means activated property repairs.
- Non-activated are considered OPEX.
- Must have for CAPEX repair
- Cost estimate
- Start date
- Repair linked to the account
- Account map linked to the property
- The values are displayed as a sum per month.
- Example: Cost estimate A of 100K EUR is set in April 2023. Cost estimate B of 200K EUR is also set in April 2023 → 300K EUR is budgeted in April.
- CAPEX added to the budget must be within the selected time range.
- Example: Repair start date is in April 2023 and the budget includes the year 2023.
Username > Account maps > (select a map) > Link properties tab
Properties > select a property > Repairs tab
8. Info
- Add a free-form description of your budget.
Related articles
Introduction to Budgeting functionality
Creating an alternative budget
Editing budget types (admins only)