When you have only few values to add or edit, it can be done quickly in the UI.
Must have for adding financial information
- An account map added in Assetti. Depending on your subscription, you can have 1-4 account maps.
- Linkage between account map and properties
- Username > Account maps > select the map > Link properties tab
How to add a value
- Properties > select a property > Financial info tab
- Click on the sheet you wish to edit - actual, (operating) budget or alternative budget.
- Click on the three dots next to the time selector > Add a value
- Fill in the pop-up
- Year and month for the value, e.g. electricity or cleaning.
- Linked Account Map
- Select the correct account map in the dropdown menu.
- If it's not in the menu, check the linkage between account map and property.
- Account is the actual account the transaction belongs to, e.g. cleaning, outdoor maintenance, administration etc.
- Account Value is the monetary value of the transaction entered in the corresponding currency.
- Do not add costs as negative values as it will be calculated as income.
- Save.
Now you can see the value in the grid.
Related articles
Financial information in Assetti
Adding financial information with import templates