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Product update 12 2022

Hello Assetti customers,

We are bringing the latest news about our product to keep you up to date with the improvements and new features we release.

GLA can be updated based on units surface areas

As requested by some of our customers, now you have the possibility to get the GLA of the building based on its units surface area. All you have to do is to have Administrator permissions, click in your user name and go to Settings > Property > Building and mark the checkbox “Use sum of unit surfaces as building GLA. Assetti will sum up the surface area of the units and automatically set your Building GLA with the sum of that area. Less hustling to figure out what is the lettable area of your property. Just remember to add all your lettable units to the Building. Note that enabling this option will also overwrite the GLAs that were typed by the user previously.


For more information access the link: How to set the GLA (Gross lettable area)


Now you can check your net rent straight away in the “Leases” main view


Another enhancement done is regarding the leases main view. You may have already noticed that we have added another field in your lease that shows the net rent value of the leased property. This way you can see what the rent is without the VAT or any other category included in the lease like utilities, services, etc… You don't need to check the period tab to know your net rent anymore 😉. 


This information can also be seen and exported for many properties at the same time from the Leases grid view.


Soon the net rent will be added to the Unit grid view and to unit and tenant KPIs. Keep tuned for these and other improvements!


New campaigns and chat support


Trying to have the best customer experience for you, Assetti will be doing changes to keep you always informed about the news in our product and market. Supporting you is a priority for us, we are then implementing better tools to assist you in your daily tasks in Assetti. Remember you can always request support via in-app chat box, in our email or consult our “Knowledge Base” articles 


Have a great week!


Your Assetti team

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