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How can I export my KPIs?

Some views of KPI tab can be exported from Assetti. 


All of the views in the table view can be exported. Simply click on the view you want, (portfolio, property, etc.) make sure you are in the table view, and click the export button in the top right-hand corner. Confirm you are exporting this view.

The table view you see in the interface will be downloaded automatically to your system as an excel sheet. *Remember, if you have any filters selected from the filter bar on the right-hand side, they will be applied to your export.





None of the views from the graph view can be exported directly from the system at this time. 



All of the trend charts can be downloaded. Click on the view you want, make sure you are in the trend view, and click on the three lines in the top right-hand of the trend chart’s box. 

You can download these charts in several formats, including:

  • PNG image
  • JPEG image
  • PDF document
  • SVG vector image

You can also select to print the chart directly. *Remember, if you have any filters selected from the filter bar on the right-hand side, they will be applied to your export.



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