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Adding photos

You are able to add photos to a portfolio, a property, a unit and your user profile. Photos are displayed in the main tile view so that the records can be better identified.

Photos are considered as attachments so they increase the number of attachments.

Technical notes

  • Accepted image formats are .jpg and .png
  • Maximum file size is 10 MB.
  • Maximum number of attachments (photos and other documents):

    • Portfolio: 25

    • Property: 25

    • Unit: 10

    • User photo: 1

  • The photo's dimensions are adjusted automatically once uploaded.

How to add a photo to a property, unit, or portfolio

  1. Select a property / unit / portfolio > Photos tab
  2. Drag the file from your local folder to Drop-files-here area OR upload it with Start upload button.
  3. When the photo appears on the screen, upload is successful.
  4. If you want, you can set the photo as the default image (check the Default box) or make it invisible so that it does not appear in the main view (uncheck the Visible box).

How to add a photo to a user profile

  1. Click on User account > User details > Photo tab.
  2. Drag a file from your local folder to Drop-files-here area OR upload it with Start upload button.
  3. When the photo appears on the screen, upload is successful.
  4. If you want, you can make the photo invisible to viewers by unchecking the Visible box.

Additional information


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