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View a unit's information

See the introduction to Assetti's main views to understand all the available features for this view. 

How to view one unit

  1. Select Units from the left side menu.
  2. Click on a unit's row you want to view to open its fact sheet.
  3. Navigate between Tabs using the navigation bar: 
    • Info: add and view general information of the unit including unit information, its lease information (if applicable), and unit active dates.
    • Leases: view the active leases of your unit or add new leases. From links available here, you are redirected to your lease fact sheet.
    • Tenants: view the current tenants of your unit, or add new tenants. From links available here, you are redirected to your contact fact sheet.
    • Photos: insert and change unit's picture.
    • Market rent: add and view all estimated rental value a.k.a market rent of a unit, this value could be inputted at most daily for each unit.
    • Notes: add notes which you can assign to colleagues with searchable tags.
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