The Properties view is the first view you end up after logging in to Assetti. There are various filtering and search options, and this view also provides access to portfolios.
See the introduction to Assetti's main views to understand the available features.
- (Select) Properties from the left side menu.
- To refine them, click the stars to mark them in My properties.
- All shows all the the properties in the account.
- Sort by Name, Yield, Value or Net floor area.
- Show time selection as Year to date, Previous year or Last 12 months.
- Viewing options:
- a. Tile view with large image, property's name, city and country, type, value, net floor area and yield.
- b. List view as above but with small image.
- c. Grid view showing the portfolio hierarchy.
- d. A responsive map showing geographical locations of the properties. Note that at least the city and country of a property is required.
- +ADD button adds a new property or portfolio.
- Export button downloads a spreadsheet according to your selection.
- Tag search and filtering
- Type a keyword e.g. city, and click on the magnifying glass.
- Filter by the name(s) of property or portfolio, Strategy classification, Property type, Asset class and Ownership status.
- Filter with sliders of NOI, Yield and GLA. Note that the range highlights the values in your account from lowest to highest.
- You can collapse and expand the filters by clicking on the black arrow.
Properties main view
Viewing options
a. Tile view
b. List view
c. Grid view
d. Map