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Custom Contacts for Properties

You may have contact types for your properties that are not listed in our default options. However, you can add a custom contact type to your property’s main fact sheet. The contact needs to be listed as a contact in your Assetti. Once this is done, you can create a new contact type for the property.

There are two methods to do this:  

  1. Click on your user menu and select “settings”
    1. Under “contacts”, click on “contact type” OR
    2. Under “property” click on “property contact role”
  2. Here you can see the various options currently available as a contact type for the property fact sheet. To add a new one, click “add” at the bottom of the table
  3. Hover your mouse over the new line and click on the pencil. Type in the new user type. Be sure to add it in as many languages as you use; we recommend that you add it in English and at least one other language.
  4. Make sure that the “hide” column says “no.”
  5. When you are done, press save.


Make sure you do not leave any rows empty before you press save. Now you can add a contact to the property fact sheet with your new contact type.


If you will be adding contacts manually to the properties: 

  1. Select your desired property. 
  2. Scroll down until you see “custom contact”. Click on the edit pencil. 
  3. From the “role” drop down menu, select the role you just created in the previous steps.
  4. From the “contact” drop down menu, select which contact you want to assign to this role. 
  5. Press save.

The contact will now be saved as this new contact type for the property.


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