We have created several integrations for use in Assetti. You are able to sync data directly from the original system's environment to your Assetti database. This feature is available at an addtional cost, if you wish to utilise this feature in Assetti, please contact your account manager or our sales team for more information and a list of available integrations.
To integrate with Assetti
Requirements: You will need credentials from the original system for the integration including:
- URL: a system url provided by a super-admin,
- Username: your valid username,
- Password: valid password of your account.
Some system may have additional requirements. Please contact them for more information.
Once you have all the credentials and your integration function in Assetti is activated, you can start the integration process quickly:
- Open your user menu from your username in the top right corner in Assetti,
- Select Integrations from the drop down menu,
- Click +ADD button on upper right corner,
- Choose the integration from the list then confirm,
- In the new view, click on the Pencil icon in the top right corner of editable field,
- Add all mandatory fields. You can also select schedule for automatic synchronization from Edit schedule button. For the synchronization buttons:
- Enable synchronization button: to enable the automatic synchronization.
- Disable synchronization button: to stop the automatic synchronization.
- Synchronization: to start an immediate synchronization.
We strongly recommend that integrations are run outside of business hours.