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View your lease agreements

You can visit the Leases main view to see all your leases and a lease's factsheet for information on tenant, contact, unit and property of the lease.

How to view a lease agreement

  1. Select Leases from the left side menu to view all your leases. They open in the tile view.
  2. Click on a lease's tile to view its factsheet.
  3. Navigate between tabs using the navigation bar under the lease ID: 
    • Contract tab: add and view general information of the lease including contract information, lease terms, invoicing and deposit information.
    • Units tab: add and view the units which are linked to the lease. 
    • Periods tab: add and review the lease rental periods. A new rental period is created when there are changes in your agreement regarding rent and otherwise.
    • Attachments tab (*): attach multiple files and documents to your lease with drag and drop feature.
    • Notes tab: add notes which you can assign to colleagues with searchable tags.
    • Invoice tab (*): create invoice and add payment information for your leases.

See the introduction of Assetti's main views to understand the all available views.


(*) Optional feature only available at request, please contact your Assetti account manager or if you are interested to have it.

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