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Add plots and buildings to a property

You can either import a building and plot using our property import file or create them manually for each property in Assetti. 

How to add a single plot or a building

  1. Click on PROPERTIES from the left side menu.
  2. Select the property you wish to add plot/building to.
  3. From the property fact sheet, open either the Plots or Buildings tab from the bar menu under page title.
  4. Click the ADD button.
  5. Add the plot ID in "Real estate ID" field or building ID in "Building ID" field. Save.
  6. Click pencil icons to add more information, and click Save when you are done.

How to add multiple plots and buildings

  1. Download Property template from Assetti import portal; see how to get import template.
  2. In the downloaded template, you need to fill out:
    • For the property
      • Cost center 
      • Property name
    • For the plot
      • Real estate ID (plot ID)
      • Plot cost center
    • For the building
      • Building cost center
      • Building Id
  3. Import the file to Assetti using the Data import functionality. Select Property when choosing the file's import type. 
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