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Assetti basic icons

Assetti has several basic icons which appear throughout the application:

edit.png Pencil icon opens the editable fields in various data forms and is placed in the upper right corner of the  fields to be edited.

plus_grey.png ADD button is for adding new items and is placed in the upper right corner of the page view.

export.png Export button is for exporting data from current view and is placed next to +ADD button in the upper right corner of the page view.

trash.png Delete button is for removing items permanently, but this should only be used for unwanted data (added by mistake). Historical data should not be deleted to maintain accuracy of past metrics. 

price-tag.png Sell button is available for properties to mark your transactions. Assetti stores the property data in the system so that the data in the metrics is not distorted in terms of historical data.

cog.png Gear icon opens tool tips for table views, placed in the upper right corner of the tables and appears when hovered over.

warning.png Warning sign appears with an important information to be noticed, usually at the top of page view or as pop-up window.

filter.png Filter icon presents filters for each main view. The icon appears in mobile and other screens with smaller resolution. 

publish.png List property button is used to publish a property for sales on an online listing platform. At the moment, Assetti is integrated with RealSource as the property listing site.

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