An account can have multiple user roles, each with different access rights and permissions. These are controlled by the Administrator of the environment. You can view your role, access rights and permission in the User details.
1. Access rights
Each user has individual access rights controlled by an account's admin. The access rights restrict a user's access to certain portfolios, properties, and features. This function allows you to segment your users and ensure a higher level of security for your data. It is up to an account's administrator whether or not to implement this function.
Your access rights effects your ability to add data to Assetti. If you import data of a property you don't have access to, you will receive an error message and the data will not be imported to Assetti.
- Username > User details
- Your role, e.g. asset manager, is visible below your name.
- Access rights tab shows which portfolios and properties you have an access. Click on the arrow in front of the portfolio to see the properties included.
- If there is a checkbox, you have access to those portfolios and properties.
- If you have editing rights, you can edit them with a quick select (all/none) or checking the box of a portfolio/property.
2. Permissions
Administrator can restrict users' ability to edit or view certain contents in Assetti. This enables them to create different roles among users, such as asset or property manager, or investor. The content groups in Assetti, like properties, strategy, utilities or contacts, reflect respective sections and for each of them, user can have a permission to Edit, Read or None.
- Username > User details > Access rights tab > Permissions
- The list includes content groups and functions in Assetti, each of which is assigned one of the following three options:
- Edit means full permissions (add, edit, delete).
- Read means that you can only view the section.
- None means that you don't see this section at all in Assetti.
If you have administrator user rights, you can edit these rights with the pencil icon.