See the introduction to Assetti's main views to understand the available features.
How to view your portfolios
- Select Properties view from the left side menu.
- Click on My portfolios under the main title.
- Click the blue portfolio tab with the number of portfolios.
- Select a portfolio tile to open the portfolio you want to view.
- Click on the main title of the selected portfolio to view details.
- Navigate between following tabs using the navigation bar:
- Info: You can add and view general information of the portfolio. Several key metrics are also derived from Assetti's calculations and shown here.
- Strategy: You can modify strategic summary, strengths and weaknesses of the portfolio under this tab.
- Properties: You can view, add, and link your properties to the portfolio.
- Photos: You can insert and change the portfolio's picture.
- Financial info: You can view income and costs for the entire portfolio and their changes on a monthly basis at the account level.
- Notes: You can view notes and tasks related to the properties.